Bobi Wine disorganised Masaka daring recent rallies, claims Mpuuga

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Bobi Wine disorganised Masaka daring recent rallies, claims Mpuuga
Bobi Wine's red beret and overalls have become part of his signature style

The Member of Parliament for Nyendo-Mukungwe, Mathias Mpuuga has expressed his dissatisfaction with the recent rallies organized by Robert Kyagulanyi, popularly known as Bobi Wine, and his National Unity Platform (NUP) party in Masaka district.

Mpuuga, a member of NUP, believes that the party's actions have caused disarray in Masaka, and he predicts that the party will face consequences for it.

While some political analysts argue that Kyagulanyi's visit to the region was intended to showcase his strength and power, considering the current political landscape in the greater Masaka sub-region, Mpuuga disagrees with the number of attendees at the rally.

He claims to know where those numbers came from but chooses not to engage in a petty discussion about crowd sizes.

"What was the purpose of the rally in Masaka? I maintain that Masaka did not need it. Perhaps Dokolo district, where we invested significant resources and only obtained 700 votes, required such attention, not Masaka, where NUP received 80% of the votes," Mpuuga commented during an appearance on NBS Morning Breeze.

Mpuuga argues that what Masaka needs is organization and effective communication, rather than disruptive rallies and shouting on the streets.

He has previously advised the party against causing disarray in Masaka, expressing his differing understanding of mobilization and the requirements of a young party.

Regarding Kyagulanyi's visit to Masaka on May 31, Mpuuga claims it was not focused on voter mobilization.

He believes that he understands Masaka better than most visitors and suggests that this understanding is why people from Masaka stayed away.

According to Mpuuga, the purpose of the visit was to demobilize Masaka, and he predicts that the party will face consequences for it.

The political rift between Kyagulanyi and prominent local figures like Mpuuga and Abed Bwanika (Kimaanya-Kabonera Division MP) has created divisions that could potentially undermine the strength and influence of the NUP in the area.

The clashes between their supporters have further exacerbated these divisions, raising concerns about internal stability and the effectiveness of voter mobilization efforts.

Therefore, Kyagulanyi's visit was seen by many as an attempt to reaffirm his leadership and consolidate support within the NUP. Mpuuga has long been regarded as a key figure in Masaka politics, and without his endorsement, it is challenging to gain political traction in the area.

However, during the recent rally, Kyagulanyi diminished Mpuuga's influence and momentarily taking over his territory to display his power and influence.

The relationship between the two politicians became strained after it was revealed that Mpuuga had received shs 500 million as a token of appreciation from Parliament for his work as Leader of the Opposition.

Kyagulanyi demanded his resignation, but Mpuuga refused, leading to Kyagulanyi suspending him as his deputy president for the central region.

Despite obstacles such as tear gas and long distances, Kyagulanyi's supporters remained resilient and attended his rally at Masaka Recreation Ground.

The success of Kyagulanyi's rally in Masaka surprised critics who thought that his conflict with Mpuuga would impact his political prospects in the city.

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